Table of contents
· According to the definition, a literature review is a body of work that explores various publications within a specific subject area, and sometimes within a set timeframe. This type of writing requires you to read and analyze various sources that relate to the main subject and present each unique comprehension of the publications A literature review is a study – or, more accurately, a survey – involving scholarly material, with the aim to discuss published information about a specific topic or research question. Therefore, to write a literature review, it is compulsory that you are a real expert in the object of study A review of literature is a classification and evaluation of what accredited scholars and researchers have written on a topic, organized according to a

Literature Review Format: APA, MLA, and Chicago
· A review of related literature is an integral part of theses or dissertations. It may also be a required part of proposals. The main purpose of a review of related literature is to analyze scientific works by other researchers that you used for investigation critically. How to Write the Introduction of a Review of Related Literature A literature review is a study – or, more accurately, a survey – involving scholarly material, with the aim to discuss published information about a specific topic or research question. Therefore, to write a literature review, it is compulsory that you are a real expert in the object of study Failure to conduct a high-quality literature review is associated with several problems identified in the medical education literature, including studies that are repetitive, not grounded in theory, methodologically weak, and fail to expand knowledge beyond a single setting. 12 Indeed, medical education scholars complain that many studies repeat work already published and contribute
The Literature Review Defined
· According to the definition, a literature review is a body of work that explores various publications within a specific subject area, and sometimes within a set timeframe. This type of writing requires you to read and analyze various sources that relate to the main subject and present each unique comprehension of the publications · An excellent literature review must be structured, logical, and coherent. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate that you have critically analyzed and understood the relevant body of literature underpinning your research. It is important to structure your literature into appropriate sections that discuss themes or presents trends · This is called literature review or review of related literature. It involves a process of identifying, locating, organizing, and analyzing information about a research topic. Conducting a literature review is essential because it prevents duplication of studies and helps avoid problems that others have blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

What is the value of related literature?
A literature review is a study – or, more accurately, a survey – involving scholarly material, with the aim to discuss published information about a specific topic or research question. Therefore, to write a literature review, it is compulsory that you are a real expert in the object of study · An excellent literature review must be structured, logical, and coherent. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate that you have critically analyzed and understood the relevant body of literature underpinning your research. It is important to structure your literature into appropriate sections that discuss themes or presents trends · According to the definition, a literature review is a body of work that explores various publications within a specific subject area, and sometimes within a set timeframe. This type of writing requires you to read and analyze various sources that relate to the main subject and present each unique comprehension of the publications
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· A review of related literature is an integral part of theses or dissertations. It may also be a required part of proposals. The main purpose of a review of related literature is to analyze scientific works by other researchers that you used for investigation critically. How to Write the Introduction of a Review of Related Literature A literature review is a study – or, more accurately, a survey – involving scholarly material, with the aim to discuss published information about a specific topic or research question. Therefore, to write a literature review, it is compulsory that you are a real expert in the object of study · The literature review, by pointing out the current issues and questions concerning a topic, is a crucial part of demonstrating how your proposed research will contribute to the field, and thus of convincing your thesis committee to allow you to pursue the topic of your interest or a funding agency to pay for your research efforts
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